Whether you remember him from The Biggest Loser or more recently Survivor, Steve ‘Commando’ Willis is one of our favourite Sydney locals. He has a ‘no excuses’ approach to working out and is one of the fittest people we know. I mean, would you say no to this face:
Didn’t think so. Now, he’s working with Coaching Zone, who are bringing a new concept to group personal training sessions. Each Coaching Zone session incorporates heart rate technology, helping you understand your performance better, and there’s a big focus on community. We sat down with Steve to find out a little more about Coaching Zone… and how he stays fit in Sydney!
Steve! Tell us, what’s your favourite Sydney healthy brunch spot?”
I’m always on the go so I don’t have a regular spot. One I can always rely on is Zambreros for healthy Mexican food!”
Where do you like to work out?
“I love working out, outdoors – going for a run or getting down to the beach in the sunshine is the best. I tend to head to Maroubra beach away from the crowds.”
Where would we find you on a Saturday morning?
“On a Saturday morning I’m either training people at a location somewhere in Australia or with Michelle and my kids making the most of the great outdoors.”
Where is Sydney’s best healthy lunch cafe?
“That’s a hard one, there are so many great places. A favourite café close to me is La Bomba, serving Spanish food in Potts Point.”
Jervis Bay
Do prefer bush or coastal walking?
“I love getting into nature, the south coast around Jervis Bay and the Southern highlands are favourite spots.”
Your favourite view of Sydney?
“My favourite view is of the Harbour Bridge as I’m abseiling down the side of a 135m high building!”
And finally, your top ultimate fitness tip?
“Commitment is a vital step for fitness. Many people, once challenged, find their commitment waning but setting in place habits, rituals and behaviours that support what it is you have committed to is extremely important. Also, consistency in all aspects of your fitness – from training regularly to ensuring sound mechanics of movement (form, technique, range of movement) during training – is key.”
Coaching Zone has ongoing support, motivational tools like the six-week challenges and a strong community to help build and establish your ongoing commitment. Interested? Well, there are close to 40 locations nationwide, including a bunch in Sydney each running regular six-week challenges that’ll make you want to get off the couch and sweat til you drop.
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