Yoga poses to an energy burst

Feeling a bit bleurgh or lethargic? We hear ya! Whether you’ve been a bit run down, had restless sleep or just want an extra bit of energy to give you more pizzazz and sparkle … look no further than our expert yogi, Sydneysider Kirsten Scott‘s five energy boosting yoga poses!

Yoga poses for energy

To get you kick-started in the morning or when you feel that afternoon slump on the horizon, Kirsten recommends taking a few minutes to run through these poses so you’ll be buzzing in no time.


Yoga poses that give you energy

Warrior II
The Warrior II pose uses your largest muscle groups, which means that you’re working hard to engage a big area. The result is an increase in blood flow and oxygen intake = energy!

Yoga poses that give you energy Camel Pose
Back bends help to stretch your spine and open the front of your body, which are often tight from the hallmark slouch that we develop from poor posture and lots of screen time. The camel pose helps open all of these tight areas, increase spine flexibility and release stored energy.

Yoga poses that give you energy
Downward Facing Dog
The classic downward facing dog is the perfect all-rounder, giving you a beautiful big full body stretch as well as flowing fresh blood to your noggin. Breathe and relax into the pose and when you’re done you’ll feel as fresh as a daisy!

Yoga poses that give you energy Shoulder / Head / Hand Stand
Any way you can, get upside down. This increases fresh blood flow and oxygen to the brain, removes gravitational pressure from our organs and revitalises your whole body through a fresh new perspective. It also takes confidence and concentration which kick starts those happy hormones and excitement levels.

Yoga poses that give you energyCobra Pose
Stretching and strengthening your spine, Cobra will help alleviate tension in your back neck and shoulders while opening your chest. A winning combo for reducing stress and increasing energy.


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